Year 3 Curriculum

Curriculum Overview

Welcome to the curriculum information for Year 3. We use the National Curriculum as the basis for the core knowledge taught at Whitehill. Our topic-based approach allows us to provide a curriculum that is creative, connected and rigorous. Further and more in-depth information can be found in the curriculum overview section of our website.

Subject Overviews

For the subject overviews in this year group, please click on the links below. You will notice that some subjects have more than one document and these should be read in conjunction with each other. Equally, you may find that the overview contains more than a single year group, in which case, the Year 3 material will be clearly labelled and highlighted. By having the other year groups featured, you will be able to get an overview the progression and links as pupils move through the school. 

Not all subjects will have their overviews in the same format but all the necessary information will be included.

Year 3 Welcome Letter A letter from the teaching team in Year 3 welcoming you to the year group and Whitehill
Art Curriculum Overview 
Computing Curriculum Overview
Design and Technology Curriculum Overview
English Aims and reading list for whole school
English (2) Curriculum Overview
French Curriculum Overview
Geography Curriculum Overview
History Curriculum Overview
Maths Curriculum Overview
Maths (2) A road map to show progression across the school in Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Maths (3) A road map to show progression across the school in Geometry
Maths (4) A road map to show progression across the school in Number and Place Value
Maths (5) A road map to show progression across the school in Four Rules of Number
Maths (6) A road map to show progression across the school in Statistics
Music Curriculum Overview
Physical Education Curriculum Overview
Physical Education (1B) An initial PE road map
Physical Education (2) Activity Afternoon Timetable – Autumn Term
Physical Education (3) Overview of the swimming scheme and expectations our pupils in Year 3 are measured against
RSHE Curriculum Overview
RSHE (2) Knowledge and skills progression for Year 3 units of work
Religious Education Curriculum Overview
Science Curriculum Overview
Science (2) A road map to show curriculum map in relation to Lower School Science
Science (3) A road map to show curriculum map in relation to Whole School Science