Dedicated and Enthusiastic

To start where last week’s blog ended, my train journey back from Birmingham was almost on time and I did manage to make it back to school for the start of the Year 5 space night. Not only did this part work, but it was also a reasonably clear night and so for my part, manning the telescope outside (in the cold) was very successful with all pupils managing to get a good clear view of Jupiter and a few of its moons. We did also manage to locate Saturn through the high cloud that came in and two groups got a good look at this amazing planet too.

A clear view of Jupiter and Saturn on Friday night

This additional learning opportunity is wonderful for the pupils and of course, I am extremely grateful to the Year 5 teaching team for giving up a Friday night to run it. From correspondence I receive, I know parents appreciate it too.  Comments such as this echo my sentiments, “The children are so fortunate to have this opportunity, from such dedicated and enthusiastic staff.”

The final part of the (extended) space week was a trip to Airbus in Stevenage, via train, on Tuesday. There was plenty to see including the Mars Yard where they test the Mars rovers.

Another successful trip

The Year 3s continue to be busy, balancing regular lessons with the Christmas production. I have been busy trying to allocate the tickets to the Year 3 parents. The first set are coming home on Thursday, after which I will start to allocate the spares. At this stage, I haven’t felt the need for ‘dynamic pricing’; they will continue to be free to all.

On Wednesday morning, I had a lovely catch-up with Mrs Dorrell, one of my vice-chairs of governors. It was supposed to be a single agenda item agenda but as both of us like to talk, we ended up covering anything and everything about Whitehill. It was still a very productive morning and having such a dedicated and supportive governing body makes my job all the more enjoyable.

Mr Jackson, Head of Physics at HGS, giving his talk on aliens

Across the school this week, pupils have been undergoing a series of assessments. Whilst the teachers assess in every lesson they teach; that’s how we move learning on, we also carry out termly assessments to get a bigger overview of the progress being made. This progress will be discussed next week in our pupil progress meetings.

I have had some lovely chats with pupils this week. Will (Year 6) came and showed me how well he has been doing in maths but because of feedback I have received from his teachers, I was also able to congratulate him on his all-round effort and attitude in Year 6 to date.

Oscar (Year 5) came to have the next edition of his comic printed. He is such a talented illustrator, and his comic is a lovely read. We put several copies of each edition on the school library for other pupils to enjoy.

Thank you to all who supported our non-uniform day on Thursday in support of the Friends’ Association Christmas Fair taking place at Highbury next Friday, 6th December. Despite the cold weather first thing, it was interesting to see the pupils who still insisted on wearing shorts. Made me even colder watching them arrive when I was on duty on the playground. Perhaps it is my age now that makes me feel the cold more… no need to comment on that.

School is closed tomorrow for INSET, hence the reason why the blog is live on a Thursday. For the first time in a while it seems to have coincided with the local secondary schools which hopefully gives families the chance for a long weekend. It also means we don’t have Achievers’ Assembly to reference this week. Wilde Class can keep hold of the trophy for another week.

The Year 5s also enjoyed a talk from the Luton Astronomical Society

Looking ahead to next week, we have reached December. It must be said, however, that November only seemed to last for about 6 days, by the way.

On Monday, our Year 3s will visit Highbury to watch the dress rehearsal of their Christmas play. I wonder how it will compare with the work they are doing? In the afternoon, Lamarr Class are off on a local history walk, something Orville Class will do on Tuesday afternoon.

We have Phase in to work with Year 6 on Wednesday afternoon as a group of Year 4 pupils are heading out for a dance workshop organised by the Sports Partnership.

I have two final parent tours to conduct next week, one of which is going to be very busy indeed, judging by the list of names. This year’s tours seem to have been very well attended and I have enjoyed chatting with prospective Whitehill parents.

Friday is a key day. In the morning, Year 3 will perform their play to the rest of the school. This will be the first real test, prior to the three main shows. After school, we have the Christmas Fair, as already referenced.

The only other thing to mention at this stage is the return of my random advent calendar shenanigans which will take place on some (not all) of the days in December. It takes place when I am on duty from 8.30am and at this stage, I have no idea what it will look like. I better get thinking!

Have a wonderful three days and I will see you on Monday morning.

Best wishes,

Steve Mills

Space night isn’t complete without pizza!

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